Before we get into the details, let us define what HOA voting software is all about. It is a process where the homeowners or community members can cast their votes and this is done every time a new HOA charter is about to be put into place. Usually, the process is for the homeowners to vote for or against a certain resolution and after this, if there is a second round of voting, the homeowners will have to abstain and choose another resolution to replace the previous one. Basically, the HOA community is made up of different communities that are paid by the service owners of the homes and these communities have their own governing board. The board usually gets their authority from the community owners themselves.Now, if you are a resident and you would like to increase your sway in your community, then you can always use the HOA voting software to do so.
However, before getting into the technical details, you must first understand how the entire system works. In this case, the voting process is not random and it has a particular pattern that cannot be copied. This means that in any given case, the voters must pay close attention so as to ensure that they are casting their votes for the right reasons.For instance, if you are an HOA member who wants to increase the duration of your community's property tax, you will have to submit a proposal to your community's governing board before the next election. The last time you will run for a HOA Board, you have to give the details of your budget and how much revenue you expect to come in during the next year. If you are successful, then your proposal will be approved and you will automatically receive a one-year term for this duty.
Of course, this must be submitted before the next election so as to gain approval and make sure that you are still eligible to stand for election in the next HOA Board election.Now, if you want to increase the duration of your community's property tax, you have to put in your request to the governing board even before the next election. You have to explain why you think it is important for the property tax to be raised by a certain amount. You will then have to submit all the necessary documents for the application so as to be considered for the approval. Of course, before the approval of your request, you have to give the governing board and its partners a chance to hear you out and consider your proposal before approving it. But if you do not get approval within the timeframe expected, then you have to submit another application for a new one or a new extension so as to continue the voting process until you are allowed to present your case.If you wish to increase the duration of your community's tax-exempt bond, you will have to find a better location for your community's infrastructure, which can take two to three years depending on the distance.
Then again, you have to submit a new application so as to be approved for a new bonding term by the HOA board in the next election. The first time you apply, you have to listen later on until you are given the all-clear signal by the board. You cannot prolong the process any further unless you want to be rejected by the voters at the next election for the proposition you have proposed.As mentioned earlier, the main purpose of HOA voting software is to facilitate the entire voting process by giving the owners of the communities a lot of options. By giving the residents lots of options, they can choose the property tax rates that they think is fair enough for their needs and then allow the voting software to determine the numbers. Thus, the entire duration of the process can be greatly reduced. But if you want to increase the duration, you have to provide another set of rules and regulations as well as a new set of rules so as to comply with the new voting format introduced by the voters in the next election.